Y’all be careful
Where I come from, we have a saying that is used regularly and which makes me smile every time I hear it spoken.
“Y’all be careful” is something we say instead of “Goodbye”; usually in a casual, familial setting, and likely directed to those close to us, friends or loved ones. It’s typically understood to be encouragement for safe driving or safe travels home, but I (ever the sentimentalist) hear it as something more endearing and even affectionate. I hear it as an expression of goodwill. I hear it as a recognition that life can be hard, the world can be cold and we all need to take care - of ourselves and of each other. I hear it as a blessing. “Y’all be careful” on the highway of life; look after yourself with care, as well as the well-being of those around you.
We should all follow these three words and never stop taking care of ourselves, and to truly understand what that entails. How do I care for my physical being, my emotions, my needs? Can I summon the will to remove the elements and actions in my life that cause me harm? Can I work to improve the ways in which I’m careless? Because the better I’m able to care for myself, the more successfully I’ll be able to care for others. There’s just no getting around this simple truth.
So don’t be afraid to prioritize your wellness. It’s important. Then, look around you and encourage others to do the same. We need support and we need reminders, which can come to us in a variety of forms if we are open enough to receive them.
“Y’all be careful.”